Welcome to the TestCenter API! You can use our API to access TestCenter API endpoints, which can get information on the applications you have access to, builds uploaded, even upload new builds!
To authorize, use this code:
# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "" --header "api-key": "your-api-key"
Make sure to replace
with your API key.
TestCenter uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can find your TestCenter API key in the accounts section.
TestCenter expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:
api-key: your-api-key
Applications are to TestCenter, what folders are to file systems. It allows you to organize the builds you upload.
Get All applications
curl "" --header "api-key": "your-api-key"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"name":"Crazy App",
"name":"Simple App",
This endpoint retrieves all applications.
HTTP Request
Create an application
curl -XPOST "" --header "api-key": "your-api-key"
-F 'application[name]=Example App'
-F file=@"/path/to/the/image/to/upload"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"name":"Example App",
"icon" : {"url":""}
This endpoint creates an application.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Description |
application[name] | Name of the application |
file | Logo image file, as part of the the POST body (Optional) |
Delete an application
curl -XDELETE "" --header "api-key": "your-api-key"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
This endpoint deletes an application.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Description |
ID | Application ID |
Upload a build
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'api-key: <your-api-key>' \
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data \
-F availability=1_week \
-F passcode=toad \
-F app_id=1 \
-F 'note=This build is awesome' \
-F 'file=@/path/to/file'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
This endpoint uploads a build to TestCenter.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Description |
file | IPA of APK file to upload |
availability | Determines for how long the build will be available. Available values: 10_minutes, 1_hour, 3_hours, 6_hours, 12_hours, 24_hours, 1_week, 2_weeks, 1_month, 2_months |
passcode | Optional password that would be required to install the build |
app_id | Optional application ID that you want to associate your build to |
commit_sha | Optional Commit SHA associated to this build |
note | Optional release note. Support Markdown. |
Latest build
curl -XGET "" --header "api-key": "your-api-key"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": 59,
"build_name": "MyApp.ipa",
"created_at": "2015-02-22T18:33:42.861Z",
"version": "1.0",
"build_number": "1.0",
"name": "App Name",
"note": "Some note you wrote earlier",
"available_until": "2015-04-19T18:33:42.723Z",
"commit_sha": "ewfwefonwerfgoinrgerogrgojergpojergoeprgjerpogjer"
This endpoint uploads a build to TestCenter.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Description |
app_id | Application ID |
Xcode Integration
Upload a build
APP_ID="your-app-id" #example: 1
AVAILABILITY="10_minutes" #10_minutes, 1_hour, 3_hours, 6_hours, 12_hours, 24_hours, forever
xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication "$ARCHIVE_PRODUCTS_PATH/$INSTALL_PATH/$WRAPPER_NAME" -o "${TMP_FILE_PATH}"
OUTPUT=$(/usr/bin/curl "" -F api_key="${API_KEY}" -F app_id="${APP_ID}" -F file=@"${TMP_FILE_PATH}" -F availability="${AVAILABILITY}" -F passcode="${PASSWORD}") #the password parametre is optional here
URL=$(echo $OUTPUT | python -m json.tool | sed -n -e '/"file_url":/ s/^.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p')
echo $URL | pbcopy
osascript -e 'display notification "Copied to clipboard: '$URL'" with title "TestCenter"'
open $URL
To upload a build everytime you create an archive:
- Open your project
- Edit the scheme of the target of your application
- Unfold the Archive section
- Select the Post-actions item
- Tap on the small ’+’ to add a script
- Make sure to select the target or your application (to use its configuration).
- Customize the script (password, availability etc)
- You can now launch the Archive command: it will, at the end, open the uploaded link into your webbrowser, you’ll also have the link in your clipboard
Slack Integration
Incoming Webhook Notifications
APP_ID="your-app-id" #example: 1
AVAILABILITY="10_minutes" #10_minutes, 1_hour, 3_hours, 6_hours, 12_hours, 24_hours, forever
xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication "$ARCHIVE_PRODUCTS_PATH/$INSTALL_PATH/$WRAPPER_NAME" -o "${TMP_FILE_PATH}"
OUTPUT=$(/usr/bin/curl "" -F api_key="${API_KEY}" -F app_id="${APP_ID}" -F file=@"${TMP_FILE_PATH}" -F availability="${AVAILABILITY}" -F passcode="${PASSWORD}") #the password parametre is optional here
URL=$(echo $OUTPUT | python -m json.tool | sed -n -e '/"file_url":/ s/^.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p')
echo $URL | pbcopy
osascript -e 'display notification "Copied to clipboard: '$URL'" with title "TestCenter"'
open $URL
To upload a build everytime you create an archive:
- Open your project
- Edit the scheme of the target of your application
- Unfold the Archive section
- Select the Post-actions item
- Tap on the small ’+’ to add a script
- Make sure to select the target or your application (to use its configuration).
- Customize the script (password, availability etc)
- You can now launch the Archive command: it will, at the end, open the uploaded link into your webbrowser, you’ll also have the link in your clipboard